Güvenebileceğiniz Uzman Hukuki Hizmetler

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Durumunuza özel kapsamlı hukuki danışmanlık.

Tüm hukuki sorularınız için adanmış destek.

A person wearing glasses and a suit is speaking into a microphone while holding a gavel in one hand. Papers are scattered on the table in front of them, and a drum set is visible in the background.
A person wearing glasses and a suit is speaking into a microphone while holding a gavel in one hand. Papers are scattered on the table in front of them, and a drum set is visible in the background.
A person wearing a dark suit is standing on a sidewalk facing away and holding a briefcase. There is a stone ledge beside them, and the background includes greenery on the right and a lightly trafficked urban area with a white vehicle in the distance.
A person wearing a dark suit is standing on a sidewalk facing away and holding a briefcase. There is a stone ledge beside them, and the background includes greenery on the right and a lightly trafficked urban area with a white vehicle in the distance.
A person is signing documents on a dark wooden table. Multiple sheets of paper are spread out, with text and tables visible on them. The person is holding a black pen and wearing dark clothing, creating a contrast with the white papers.
A person is signing documents on a dark wooden table. Multiple sheets of paper are spread out, with text and tables visible on them. The person is holding a black pen and wearing dark clothing, creating a contrast with the white papers.


1999 yılında Sivas'ın Yıldızeli ilçesinde dünyaya geldim. İlkokul ve ortaokul eğitimimi Ankara'da tamamladım. Lisans eğitimimi Erzurum Atatürk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesinde tamamladıktan sonra stajımı da tamamlayarak, Ankara 1 No'lu Barosu'na kayıtlı bir biçimde serbest avukatlık yapmaya başladım. Zorunlu askerlik görevimi Kütahya Askeralma Şube Başkanlığı Şube Başkanı olarak yerine getirdim ve meslek hayatıma geri döndüm. Ankara 1 No'lu barosuna kayıtlı fiili avukatlık yapmaktayım. Özellikle ''İş Hukukundan Kaynaklı Tazminat Davaları'' , '' Bedensel Zarardan Kaynaklanan Tazminat Davları'', ''İdari Uyuşmazlıklardan Kaynaklanan Tazminat Davaları'', '' Araç Maddi Hasarına İlişkin Tüm Uyuşmazlıklar'', ''Kira Hukukundan Doğan Uyuşmazlıklar'' olmak üzere aktif olarak avukatlık yapmaktayım

Sunulan Hukuki Hizmetler

Belirli ihtiyaçlarınıza ve koşullarınıza göre özel olarak uyarlanmış uzman hukuki danışmanlık ve temsil hizmeti sunuyorum.

A man wearing a suit sits at a desk, concentrating on the documents in front of him. The desk has a microphone, a telephone, and some papers. The background includes a wall with several sheets of paper posted on it and a door.
A man wearing a suit sits at a desk, concentrating on the documents in front of him. The desk has a microphone, a telephone, and some papers. The background includes a wall with several sheets of paper posted on it and a door.
Two hands are visible, one holding a pen and another holding a document, suggesting a situation involving document review or signing. The scene appears to be set on a desk with a table lamp illuminating the area.
Two hands are visible, one holding a pen and another holding a document, suggesting a situation involving document review or signing. The scene appears to be set on a desk with a table lamp illuminating the area.