Yusuf Işık Hakkında:

1999 yılında Sivas'ın Yıldızeli ilçesinde dünyaya geldim. İlkokul ve ortaokul eğitimimi Ankara'da tamamladım. Lisans eğitimimi Erzurum Atatürk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesinde tamamladıktan sonra stajımı da tamamlayarak, Ankara 1 No'lu Barosu'na kayıtlı bir biçimde serbest avukatlık yapmaya başladım.Ankara 1 No'lu barosuna kayıtlı fiili avukatlık yapmaktayım. Özellikle ''İş Hukukundan Kaynaklı Tazminat Davaları'' , '' Bedensel Zarardan Kaynaklanan Tazminat Davaları'', ''İdari Uyuşmazlıklardan Kaynaklanan Tazminat Davaları'', '' Araç Maddi Hasarına İlişkin Tüm Uyuşmazlıklar'', ''Kira Hukukundan Doğan Uyuşmazlıklar'' olmak üzere aktif olarak avukatlık yapmaktayım


Providing expert legal advice and representation for clients.

A person, dressed in a suit, is sitting indoors reading a document. The scene is dimly lit with reflections on glass, and the background shows a set of doors leading outside.
A person, dressed in a suit, is sitting indoors reading a document. The scene is dimly lit with reflections on glass, and the background shows a set of doors leading outside.
İş Hukukundan Kaynaklı Tazminat Davaları
A person in a formal suit is seated at a wooden desk, smiling broadly while signing a document. Their pen is poised above an open book, which is likely a registry or official ledger. Next to the seated person, partially visible, someone wearing a light-colored robe stands, possibly observing the signing process. In the foreground, the table is adorned with a bouquet of white and red flowers, and there are papers laid out beside the book.
A person in a formal suit is seated at a wooden desk, smiling broadly while signing a document. Their pen is poised above an open book, which is likely a registry or official ledger. Next to the seated person, partially visible, someone wearing a light-colored robe stands, possibly observing the signing process. In the foreground, the table is adorned with a bouquet of white and red flowers, and there are papers laid out beside the book.
Bedensel Zarardan Kaynaklanan Tazminat Davları
A person in a suit is seated at a desk, holding a phone to their ear and using the other hand to turn pages in a document. The workspace includes a computer monitor, paperwork, and other office supplies. Large windows allow natural light to illuminate the area.
A person in a suit is seated at a desk, holding a phone to their ear and using the other hand to turn pages in a document. The workspace includes a computer monitor, paperwork, and other office supplies. Large windows allow natural light to illuminate the area.
İdari Uyuşmazlıklardan Kaynaklanan Tazminat Davaları
Araç Maddi Hasarına İlişkin Tüm Uyuşmazlıklar